
Ari怀she/it + Neo prns怀 ageless Ā¹ā“怀@bachira on neospring :3

That one herta yume

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ā€Ž š“ˆ’ą½² ā€ ā š“Øou know youā€™re better than this.. āžć…¤š“ˆ’ŪŖŪŖŪ«ąæ”ā €
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elias Ā· 5 answers Ā· 7h

hello guys i am watching alice in borderland today any aib fans here

tokyokyo Ā· 2 answers Ā· 7h

what yall think about my urls like are they pretty or even some tips of how to get better at layouts idk

I think theyā€™re pretty! Everyone decorates their URLs differently. You can always use Pinterest as an inspiration! ^_^

mpreg Ā· 30 answers Ā· 10h

Im going to go watch some anime so...

whats your favorite anime? If you dont have one, what was your favorite cartoon?

seron Ā· 10 answers Ā· 10h

Felt guilty for making people wait, trying to answer trade offers now but I have a horrible fever and headache and thereā€™s over 40 trade requests..

Please get some rest, you can always come back when youā€™re feeling better so donā€™t force yourself! Drink lots of water

emery ? Ā· 42 answers Ā· 11h

hi guys ignore the profile but um whats ur fav url that u own ?

seron Ā· 14 answers Ā· 11h

I know I said iā€™d respond to all /male and /cozy offers today, but I think I genuinely need a break from all the drama. Sorry to disappoint anyone, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be getting through them all today.. between death threats and hate anons, people genuinely have no sense of whatā€™s actually fucked up anymore. I might respond to a few offers, but donā€™t expect all of them to be done now. Please stay safe everyone, take care and remember to eat and drink water today <3

Sena šŸµ Ā· 12h

you're also a mp100 fan I cried you have such peak interests

Sena šŸµ Ā· 12h

are you an ado fan.. šŸ‘€ I saw ur interests page

seron Ā· 14 answers Ā· 13h

Trading ask!

Taking offers on /Male & /Cozy, please reply here and send an ask to your inbox with the URL you're offering for and your list! As well, I do sell URLs, so if you're looking to buy, I would also accept that as well <3.

Make sure you drink water today!
QOTD as well, what's your most favorite season?

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