
Size shifting fox, ready to tease ya :3

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Anonymous goober · 4mo

What’s your favourite size difference between macro and micro? — Cooper

My favorite will always be doll sized micro compared to macro. Easy to interact with, easy to see their reaction, and for sure feels nice when smooshed under macro or pushed inside/exploring inside :3

Anonymous goober · 4mo

Finding a willing micro, would you rather keep them as more general "pet" or as "toy" or give them a distinct object purpose like insole?

I would keep them as a pet, there isn't really much of a difference when it comes to pet or toy. Both would still take care of their master's needs and wants :3

Anonymous goober · 4mo

Does avaros can be rated as a cruel macro or a kind macro?, talking about interactions with micros

Kind macro for the most part, the only times he can be cruel is either when you piss him off(breaking his stuff, stealing(except for food, tho he prefers if you take leftovers)) or when a micro is into it and asks for it :3

Anonymous goober · 4mo

Do you have dedicated safe spots for micros in your room? (Away from vacuums, sweeping, paws, being sat on)

Anonymous goober · 4mo

You walk into your room just to catch a small.. 6 member micro intruder group running across the floor, trying to reach and hide under you bed. What do you do?

I run in front of them and place the paw to stop them. Then question what they are doing here. If they are trying to do something like stealing stuff that is not leftover food then they are not gonna have a good time, if something else then we might have some fun :3

Anonymous goober · 4mo

A micro got lost in your home and is waving their arms trying to catch your attention for help, do ya either stick them in your sock and ask questions later, or pick them up and see how you can help? :3

Pick them up and see how I can help. At some point they might end up in a sock if they wanna <w<

Anonymous goober · 4mo

Does Avaros offer free rides for micros that ask for them?

Absolutely, he offers them a ride in whatever spot they like, even with no destination and just for a ride somewhere when im doing stuff :3

Anonymous goober · 5mo

would you rather be a beeg boi in New Vegas' or smol critter in Fallout 3 uwu

I guess big boi in New Vegas. Only ever played NV(never finished) and never played Fallout 3. But as small critter i would not survive for long lol

Anonymous goober · 5mo

how is gen beta doing

Anonymous goober · 5mo

Are there any particular parts of your worldbuilding that you feel like you really want to share?

Not really. Don't even have much worldbuilding around my OCs in a first place, and most of the stuff was either already answered and is in pinned, or i didn't think about it much

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