What’s your favourite size difference between macro and micro? — Cooper
Finding a willing micro, would you rather keep them as more general "pet" or as "toy" or give them a distinct object purpose like insole?
Does avaros can be rated as a cruel macro or a kind macro?, talking about interactions with micros
Do you have dedicated safe spots for micros in your room? (Away from vacuums, sweeping, paws, being sat on)
You walk into your room just to catch a small.. 6 member micro intruder group running across the floor, trying to reach and hide under you bed. What do you do?
A micro got lost in your home and is waving their arms trying to catch your attention for help, do ya either stick them in your sock and ask questions later, or pick them up and see how you can help? :3
Does Avaros offer free rides for micros that ask for them?
would you rather be a beeg boi in New Vegas' or smol critter in Fallout 3 uwu
Are there any particular parts of your worldbuilding that you feel like you really want to share?
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