❜  ―   nox 。 · 10 answers · 3d

𝒢𝜚   suprise   qotd ! 𓆪

gng im too lazy for WOT gotta save my strength for sitting on my ass for i think 5-7 hours

   💖  if you collect stuff what do you consider your prize possession or if you don’t what would you like to start collecting?

So I collect 3 things. Coins... with the most special one being the both versions of the Kew Gardens 50p Coin. Rocks... with the most special one being not a rock, but petrified wood... it feels so alien but is technical a rock... and the last is pokemon cards... and I suppose the best one I have is a PSA 10 Marnie card. Ungraded its the Starmie V with Misty.

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